medical software development since 1999  
  • Sante PACS Server

  • Sante PACS Server

  • Sante PACS Server

  • Sante PACS Server

Sante PACS Server

The Single PC License

The Single PC License is assigned to a single licensee. The licensee may install and activate the application on one computer, which can be accessed by any number of DICOM nodes or users over the network.

Perpetual License

The program's license is perpetual, meaning it does not expire and requires no annual renewal or contract fees. Updates, maintenance, and support for the program are provided free of charge. Registered users can download, install, and use all new versions of the program at no additional cost.

License Type


Purchase via FastSpring
Single PC License (for Windows)

  • Perpetual license (never expires)
  • Updates to all next versions are free
  • Free maintenance and support

3500 US$
(for a single PC, there are volume discount prices)

  • *European customers may insert their VAT ID in the corresponding field of the order form to get a VAT exempt.
  • *All prices are subject to change without notice.

Registration Code

When the user purchase a license for one of our programs, he/she will receive a registration code. This code will unlock the program, and the images will be presented without the demo banner.
If you have not received your license key please check the spam (junk) folder in your e-mail client!


Invoices for orders will be created only after payment has been received. If you pay by credit card or have the amount charged to your account (electronic debit or online bank transfer), FastSpring will immediately issue an invoice for your order. For orders paid by bank transfer, check, or cash, you will first receive an order confirmation, and your invoice will be sent to you after payment has been received. In any case, FastSpring will automatically email your invoice or order confirmation to your billing address. The order documents will be included as a PDF attachment to the email. You can also view and print your order documents at any time after completing your order. To do so, simply log in to the secure "My Account" area on the FastSpring website. There, you will find your order overview and any related documents.

Return policy

We offer a fully functional, 90-day trial to allow you to thoroughly evaluate our software before making a purchase. Software that has been purchased, downloaded, and activated from our website cannot be returned or refunded. This policy aligns with internationally accepted practices for copy protection and electronic software downloads and does not affect your statutory rights. This return policy is widely accepted and followed by most software vendors and producers worldwide. Please ensure you evaluate our software in demo mode before purchasing.

About FastSpring

For orders processing we use the secure services of the FastSpring company, the world's leading e-commerce provider. Read more about FastSpring, our e-commerce partner.